Multi-player Game Tutorial
In a multi-player game, all players belonging to the same world can access the decisions and results of that world. The decisions and results of other worlds are hidden. A run’s leaders can access the decisions and results of all the run’s worlds.
This tutorial will walk you through the creation of the multi-player Div
This game implements a model that takes a dividend and a divisor and calculates the result.
Each world needs a player with the Divisor
role and a player with the Dividend
role to submit decisions in order to get a result.
The game defines two phases: Play
and Debrief
. During a run’s Play
phase, players can submit decisions.
Once a leader moves a run to Debrief
phase, players are prevented from submitting further decisions.
During Debrief
phase, a leader can review the final decisions and results of all worlds in the run.
The game also provides server-side input validation and reports validation errors in the UI.
This project will demonstrate how the various pieces of Simpl interact to provide a platform upon which multi-player games can be created.
For an overview of how Simpl works, see Simpl Overview.
Start this tutorial by running the Simpl Games API service using the instructions in Single-player Game Demo.
First, we’ll implement our Multi-player Game Model Service, providing the mathematical model for Div
Then, we’ll build our Multi-player Game Frontend.