Getting Started

You can get a taste of Simpl by running the simpl-calc example simulation.


You will need to have these installed:

If you are using the Mac OS, is an easy way to install and configure PostgreSQL.

If you are using Windows 10, the tutorials have been tested using Ubuntu 16.04 with the Windows Linux Subsystem. Note, you’ll need to be comfortable installing virtualenv, Python 3.6, as well as a number of supporting OS packages in order to get Simpl up and running on Windows.

Install gulp and webpack globally to ensure they are on your PATH

sudo npm install --global gulp
sudo npm install --global webpack

Run the Simpl Games API Service

Clone the simpl-games-api repository and install simpl-games-api:

git clone --branch django111
cd simpl-games-api
add2virtualenv .
pip install -r requirements.txt        

Create a Simpl database:

createdb simpl
./ migrate
./ create_simpl_user

Note, for Windows users, you’ll need to edit the database line with the following in config/settings/ to access psql (assuming it is installed locally):

    # Raises ImproperlyConfigured exception if DATABASE_URL not in os.environ
    'default': env.db("DATABASE_URL", default="postgres://simpl:simpl@localhost:5432/simpl"),

Start the simpl-games-api web service:

./ runserver

Run the Simpl Calc Model Service

In a separate terminal, clone the simpl-calc-model repository and install simpl-calc model:

git clone
cd simpl-calc-model
add2virtualenv .
pip install -r requirements.txt

Add the simp-calc game to the Simpl database along with some test users:

./ create_default_env

Start the model service by running:

./ run_modelservice

By default the service will bind to

Run the Simpl Calc Frontend UI

In a separate terminal, clone the simpl-calc-ui repository and install simpl-calc:

git clone
cd simpl-calc-ui
mkvirtualenv simpl-calc-ui
add2virtualenv .
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ migrate

Start your frontend webserver with:

./ runserver

In a separate terminal, update node_modules and run Gulp to compile JS and SASS

npm install

Using the Simpl Calc Simulation

The simpl-cal simulation is now running at http://localhost:8000/

Log in as player [email protected] (password s1) or player [email protected] (password s2). Once logged in, use the simulation to add numbers to a total.

In another browser, log in as [email protected] (password leader) to see the player totals update as they change over time.