Single-player Game Demo

Although we recommend using Docker, the non-Docker Single-player Game Demo instructions are available for a limited time.

To complete this tutorial, you will need to have Docker installed.

At the end of this tutorial, you will have successfully installed and played a single-player Calc game.

In order to play a game, you will need to install and run simpl-games-api, a game model service, and a game UI.

For every game, you will write the game model service, and the game UI.

For this tutorial, we will use simpl-calc-model and simpl-calc-ui

First, clone the simple-games-api repository:

git clone

The simpl-games-api should always be installed first and will run the entire time.

cd into the simpl-games-api repo and start Docker.

cd simpl-games-api
docker-compose up

When the simpl-games-api initialization is complete, open another terminal window. In that window, use a make script to log into the container, which is named api.

make shell

You will see in the window that you are now logged into the container.

Creating simpl-games-api_api_run ... done

Create a superuser and staff user by running ./ simpl_setup

root@b2397c235f68:/code# ./ simpl_setup

superuser is used to access the data in the Simpl API’s Django admin. staff user is used by Simpl model services to connect to the Simpl API.

Create a superuser when prompted. superuser can have any email address and password.

=== Setup Simpl API ===

We found no superusers, please set one up below
--- Creating a superuser ---
Please enter email address for superuser: 

Create a staff user when prompted. staff user must use the email address [email protected] and password simpl, which correspond to the email address and password in the model service file.

We found no staff users, you will need one of these for your model service to connect to the Simpl API
This is typically setup as a setting `SIMPL_GAMES_AUTH` from the environment variables `SIMPL_USER` and `SIMPL_PASS`

--- Creating a staff user ---
Please enter email address for staff user: 

You’ve created the Django users needed to run the game. You can now exit and close that window.


In your browser, open up http://localhost:8100/admin/. The Django admin login page should appear.

You can now login using either the superuser or staff user credentials.

With the simpl-games-api still running in the first window, open another window and cd back into your user directory.

cd ..

Clone the simple-calc-model repository and cd into it.

git clone
cd simpl-calc-model

We will now get simpl-calc-model up and running.

docker-compose up

docker-compose up will need to be run twice. The first time you run it, you will see an error, because the model service will expect a game, but the game doesn’t exist yet.

genericclient_base.exceptions.ResourceNotFound: No `games` found for {'slug': 'simpl-calc'}

Create a third window. You will now run simpl-calc-model to create the game in the database.

docker-compose run --rm model.backend bash

You will see in the window that you are now logged into the container.

Creating simpl-calc-model_model.backend_run ... done

Set up the game by running ./ create_default_env

root@b2397c235f68:/code# ./ create_default_env

You can now exit, shut down the Docker container, and close that window.

docker-compose down

Go back to the window that simpl-calc-model has been running in. Restart the Docker container. Because the game now exists, the error will be gone.

docker-compose up

With the simpl-games-api still running in the first window, and the simpl-calc-model running in another window, open a third window and cd back into your user directory.

cd ..

Clone the simple-calc-ui repository and cd into it.

git clone
cd simpl-calc-ui

Run docker-compose up to run the UI.

docker-compose up

All three containers are now running on the same private network using Docker.

In your browser, open up http://localhost:8000/. The simplcalc game should appear.

To shut down the game, run docker-compose down in the windows running the simpl-calc-ui, simpl-calc-model, and simpl-games-api containers.

docker-compose down