The Alfred West Jr. Learning Lab, in partnership with Wharton Interactive, is pleased to announce the Open Source release of Simpl! Simpl is a first-of-its-kind Open Source simulation platform. Drawing upon decades of simulation experience, the Learning Lab has authored a platform that will radically alter the simulation landscape, putting cutting-edge tools in the hands of developers everywhere to build their own simulations and games. We collaborated with RevSys to develop the platform from the ground up, integrating the lessons learned from building cutting edge simulations for over a decade.

Why Simpl?

Simulation development is a complex process, and few tools exist to streamline development. There are commercial tools available, but they are rigidly structured, and for the vast majority of schools, exceedingly expensive. Simpl uses widely adopted Open Source tools and a proven data model to provide everyone access to the tools required to build compelling and immersive single player or multiplayer simulations.

Is there a cost involved?

No! Simpl is covered under the GPLv2 license.

What do I need to start using Simpl?

Check out our documentation on the website, it will outline everything you need to start using Simpl. We’ve authored two tutorials, one for a single player game and one for a multiplayer game. These tutorials will help jump start your Simpl knowledge! Additionally, it will be helpful to understand the underlying data model before you get started building your own game.

What’s next?

The Learning Lab has already authored its first simulation written on Simpl, and another simulation is already in the works! If you’d like to learn more about Simpl from the developer’s themselves, be sure to check us out at DjangoCon in San Diego (October 14 through October 19, 2018). Joseph Lee, the Director of the Learning Lab, as well Sr. Developer Jane Eisenstein, will be giving a talk on Simpl, how we developed the platform and a demo that will help explain why we think our platform will revolutionize the simulation field.

Lastly, we plan on hosting a “boot camp” for any developer interested in learning Simpl from the authors of the platform. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to keep receiving updates on this as well as additional enhancements made to the platform.